• published on 5/23/2022
  • 5min

Four reasons to move to Singapore

Since the start of Covid-19, both general and work lifestyles have changed drastically, allowing people to experience ease of remote working. Coupled with the recent ease of pandemic rules, particularly in Singapore, expatriates in Asia have been on the move, with many choosing to move to Singapore as the country begins to return to normal.

Four reasons to move to Singapore

Choosing a new place to call home is no easy task and requires a lot of time to think and gather all the information you need. If you are interested in relocating to Asia, here are some of the reasons Singapore may be the place for you.

Singapore: a business heaven

According to the STC 2018 To Do Business Index, Singapore is the #1 city in the world to do business. Many large international companies as well as start-ups have offices in the country. If you are considering a career in entrepreneurship, it should be known that Singapore is ranked 3rd based on the criteria “Starting a business”, much farther ahead of developed countries such as France (32nd) and the United States (8th) for example.

In Singapore, unemployment rate is low, corruption non-existent (relative to other Asian countries) and the tax rates, attractive for individuals and firms.

A much-appreciated quality of life

An aspect of Singaporean life that is highly appreciated by expatriates is the fact that the city is very clean. Strict laws ($500 fine for eating or drinking in public transports) are the price to pay for perfectly clean and well-maintained public spaces, transportation, and green space.

In regards to the cost of living, Singapore is one of the most expensive countries in Asia but offers a high standard of living. Housing, especially, can cost a lot, depending on which part of the city you choose to live in. All types of food are available here (Thai, Malaysian, Chinese, or Western food) to suit every budget - ranging from luxurious dining experiences to local hawker centers.

And last but not least, Singapore has one of the best healthcare system in the world with high-end medical facilities and well-trained doctors. However, this comes with a high price and as healthcare in Singapore is very expensive, it is highly recommended for expatriates to obtain private health insurance.

A safe country

In Singapore, safety is not an issue. The country has one of the lowest crime rates in the world (6% in 2021), which accounts for mainly scam cases and cybercrimes. Travelling around Singapore alone at any time of the year is considered safe, regardless of gender – this is also true of the safety of children, which is an attractive quality of Singapore for families. Laws are very strict and come with severe punishment. All individuals in Singapore are subjected to the Singaporean law: local citizens as well as tourists and expatriates.

A gateway to exotic tourist destinations

Singapore’s geographic location is another asset. The city is ideally located between Malaysia and Indonesia and close to many other destinations such as Thailand, Philippines or Cambodia. If you are fond of hiking on volcanos or relaxing on sandy beaches, you can travel to many countries, even when on a budget.

Obtaining a visa for expatriates has recently become harder

In March 2022, the Singapore government unveiled a new expat visa program, introducing a new points-based visa system similar to the immigration system adopted in the UK. The new scoring system will rate applicants based on factors such as skills, education and how their nationality contributes to the diversity of their company. This program will be in effect from 1st September 2022 onwards, so if you are thinking of moving to Singapore, it's always best to read up on the eligibility requirements for the visa and prepare accordingly.

If you would like to know more about life in Singapore:

If you're interested in becoming one of the many who have expatriated to Singapore, make sure you're covered for medical expenses with our MyHEALTH insurance in Singapore.