• published on 4/18/2023
  • 4min

Moving Abroad Checklist

So, you’ve made the decision to move abroad. What now? You might be wondering where to start with your preparation, with many different responsibilities to check off your list.

Moving Abroad Checklist

Tasks could include choosing somewhere to live, moving your pet, and keeping your important documentation secure. Staying organised during this process is vital to make the transition smoother and less stressful.

Continue reading for more information on what should be on your moving abroad checklist.

Selecting a place to live

Choosing a country to live is a tough decision, as you will be spending a lot of time there and it is an expensive investment. Expats can have different preferences, with some wanting to be near the bustle of the city, and others preferring quieter neighbourhoods.

Important considerations may be the climate, or the language spoken. If you favour warmer weather, it could lead you to look at properties by a coastline for views of the ocean. However, if you want to challenge yourself to become fluent in a foreign language, moving to a country with a different dialect may be right for you.

Should you be relocating overseas on a budget, cost of accommodation in the area is going to be a top priority. Carrying out research before you move is key here, as it gives you an idea of how much you’re likely to pay.

Amenities are another thing to think about, incorporating local restaurants, leisure centres and public parks. Check the safety of the location as well, so that you feel comfortable where you live.

How to transport your pet

If you’re moving abroad long-term, then transporting your pet is going to be a top concern. It could take some time to work out the logistics, including whether you need to provide a crate, toys, or food for the journey.

Your furry friend may need vaccinations that could be dependent on the country you’re relocating to, so speak to your vet about this way in advance of moving. Ensure your pet’s passport is up to date too, or purchase one if your they haven’t travelled internationally before.

Another task to ponder is how you will move the animal’s belongings to their new home. In some instances, you might be able to purchase everything you need once you arrive, but some of your pet’s favourite items may not be so easy to replace.

Follow all the country’s regulations when moving your pet overseas, and ensure all necessary paperwork has been completed. Also bear in mind that your beloved friend may need to spend some time in quarantine before they are allowed home with you.

Organise important documentation

Having your important documentation organised is crucial when moving overseas, so make sure you keep it all in a safe place. This could include:

  • Passports

  • Birth certificates

  • Visa

  • Insurance certificate

  • Vaccine pass

You will need them at various points when settling into your destination. This might be when you put down a deposit on an apartment, when you arrive at the airport to enter the country, or to prove your identification to a new employer.

In the event you’re moving with children, prioritise organising their paperwork as well so that nothing is missing when you need it.

Consider your finances

There is a lot of cost involved with moving your life abroad, from booking flights and moving belongings, to finding somewhere to live.

Your finances can impact your decision on where you want to live, how far your budget will stretch, and how much money you will be able to save. It is recommended that you become familiar with the cost of living in the destination, as this will give you a rough idea of how much your monthly spend will be.

It might be worth considering living somewhere cheaper if you wish to have more disposable income. Additionally, make sure you make a note of all your outgoings and whether they will be needed when you move. If they aren’t, then cancel them.

Before you move, try and save money where you can. This will mean you have more cash for important expenses in the country that will help you settle into your surroundings. Maybe open a specific savings account to help you do this.

Look into international health insurance

Arriving in a new place comes with a lot of unknowns, but if you have an international private medical insurance policy, you could receive medical treatment if you fall ill.

What level of cover you require will depend on your personal circumstances, but it is something you could research before you decide to move abroad. Conduct research into different insurance providers to find out what is on offer.

To find out more about the international health insurance solutions we provide, take a look here.