• published on 9/21/2023
  • 5min

How to Become a Digital Nomad

Being a digital nomad gives you the freedom to explore new countries while you work, opening you up to wonderful new experiences and different cultures.

How to Become a Digital Nomad

Table of contents

1. What is a digital nomad?

2. Look at your skills

3. Secure an income

4. Think about your finances

5. Choose a destination

6. Stay on top of administration

If this sounds like something you would enjoy, then it’s time to consider the steps you’ll take to get there. We’ve put together a blog with some useful guidance and information to help you on your journey to becoming a digital nomad.

What is a digital nomad?

It is someone who works remotely from anywhere in the world, often travelling between different locations. The advancement of technology in working life has been beneficial for this group, and is a central part of their lifestyle.

To earn a living, they often freelance or have their own business to offer services to clients. Digital nomadism is particularly popular with individuals in their 30s, who accounted for nearly half of all digital nomads worldwide in 2022. [1]

Take a look at our blog for an in-depth look at the pros and cons of being a digital nomad.

Look at your skills

Before beginning your journey, consider how your skills can be utilised to secure work. Think about what you like and excel at as it can provide you with inspiration for your next career step as a digital nomad. Enjoying your new role is important, as you’re going to be spending a lot of time working.

To help you stand out, try participating in training courses. This can strengthen your skills and allow you to identify and fill any gaps in your knowledge.

Some skills that can be utilised to earn a digital nomad income include:

  • Proofreading

  • Web development

  • Languages

  • Copywriting

There are also digital nomad communities online you can join and seek advice from on starting out on this path and for skill-sharing. This can be a good way to make friends you could meet when you work and travel.

Secure an income

There are many ways to earn an income as a digital nomad, from freelancing and full-time employment, to starting your own business. What you choose will depend on your personal circumstances and lifestyle preferences.

If you want a full time remote role, make sure you check what time zone the prospective employer operates in to see if it would be a realistic option. Take time to find for the right job, and consider factors like flexibility, salary, and workplace benefits.

Some common types of digital nomad jobs include:

  • Computer engineer

  • Teaching languages online

  • Marketing

  • Writing

  • PA/Virtual assistant

Use this as an opportunity to network with others and see if they can recommend you for any roles or introduce you to potential clients. If you want to be self-employed, this can be a good way of connecting and building professional connections.

Also ensure that your professional documents like your portfolio or CV are updated and of a high quality, as this can make a lot of difference when finding work.

Think about your finances

When preparing for the move, always keep your budget in mind. This can be helpful when it comes to booking flights, finding accommodation, and deciding on a place to live.

It’s wise to save money where possible before your travels to support with moving costs, as well as expenses when you initially arrive at your destination. Opening a savings account allows you to allocate money specifically for this.

Other costs to consider include getting a visa, moving your belongings and storage costs. Start planning for the relocation well in advance so that you’re prepared for any expenses you incur.

Choose a destination

One of the most exciting parts of this journey is choosing a destination to start your adventure. Ensure you are researching different locations to find the place that is right for you, and consider the following:

Cost of living

When looking at different places to travel to, cost of living is an important factor. Look into how much expenses like transport costs, groceries and accommodation are in your preferred destination to get an idea of how much you could pay.

Staying outside of the centre and using public transport can help you save money, so avoiding tourist hotspots and finding somewhere with an efficient transport system might be preferable for those on a budget.


The amenities available to you are another factor to bear in mind, which could incorporate proximity to green spaces, restaurants, and shopping centres.

If you like being close to amenities, the vibrant nature of city life could be the right choice for you, whereas smaller towns with a more relaxed environment are great if you enjoy living in a quiet area.


Also take into account the climate, as this can impact how much you enjoy living in the destination. Do you favour warmer temperatures where you can sit outside and enjoy the sun? Or do you like colder climates where you can experience the snow and winter sports?


Making new friends can help you feel more settled in your destination, enabling you to meet people from different backgrounds and share new experiences.

If you have joined an online digital nomad community, then this could be an opportunity to connect with them. For some tips on how to make friends in a new country, take a look at our blog here.

Stay on top of administration

The process of moving abroad can be lengthy, so make sure you’re fully prepared by staying on top of your admin. From securing a visa, to paying tax and setting up a bank account, there are many things to organise.

Applying for visas

One important step is to apply for a visa, which can be a long process. The type of visa you need will be dependent on what country you’re travelling to, so make you research this when choosing your destination.

Many countries have introduced digital nomad visas specifically aimed at this group to encourage skilled workers to boost their economies. For instance, the Czech Republic was one of the latest countries to launch a visa aimed at freelancers back in July 2023.[2]


Paying taxes on your earnings is also something to think about, with tax obligations varying between different countries. It could be a good idea to enlist the help of an accountant to help you, as they will have the expertise to guide you through this.

Setting up a bank account

It’s also wise to set up a bank account that will suit your international lifestyle, as it can become expensive when you’re constantly faced with transaction fees or cash withdrawals.

Before you travel, take time to do some research into different banking options that will meet your needs. Setting up a business account is also something to consider for when your clients pay you for work.

International medical insurance

Protecting your health when you live overseas is a top priority for prospective expats, allowing you to access high quality medical care when you need it most. To get a quote for our international health insurance plans, click here.