• published on 9/26/2023
  • 4min

How to Manage Stress at Work

Experiencing stress at work can leave you feeling overwhelmed, making it difficult to concentrate on your daily tasks. This could affect your productivity and lead to you missing important deadlines.

How to Manage Stress at Work

Table of contents

1. Signs of stress

2. Identify what causes you stress

3. Talk to someone

4. Take plenty of breaks

5. Keep organised

6. Prioritise your wellbeing

But there are steps you can take to manage your stress. Speaking with someone you trust, taking regular breaks from work and eating a well-balanced diet can all help.

Take a look at our blog for some useful insights into how you can deal with stress in the workplace.

Signs of stress

When you’re feeling stressed, it can be helpful to recognise symptoms when they occur. Some common signs of stress to look out for include:

  • Stomach issues

  • Headaches

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Irritability

  • Forgetfulness

It’s important to take stress seriously, as it can have more serious impacts on your health, such as depression, heart disease and digestive issues.

Identify what causes your stress

It can be useful to establish your main causes of stress; this can enable you to implement practical solutions to support you. A good way to do this to track your mood throughout the day and note down any times when you’re feeling overwhelmed or under pressure.

Some things that may make you feel stressed at work include working long hours, having a heavy workload, and struggling to maintain a good work-life balance.

Talk to someone

It can be good to talk to someone you trust when you’re experiencing stress at work. This could be a friend or family member, or your line manager.

Confiding in loved ones in a safe space can make you feel better. They might share their own experiences with you and give advice on how to deal with stressful situations.

You could also try speaking with your line manager about how you feel. They can remove tasks from your schedule if your workload is too heavy and introduce measures that make your work life more manageable. If your company has a healthcare scheme available, then accessing mental health support using this could be one option.

You could also seek help from a qualified health professional if you’re feeling overwhelmed. They can provide you with support and advice should you need it.

Take plenty of breaks

It is easy to forget to take breaks when you’re busy at work, but it is essential you take some time away from your desk to relax.

This could include taking a walk on your lunch to enjoy the fresh air, going out to get some food, or simply being away from your desk. You can then come back to your tasks refreshed and maybe with a new perspective.

It’s important to switch off when you’re not working, so avoid checking your emails outside of work hours, and make use of your paid holiday leave.

Use time away from your job to enjoy your favourite activities, which might include spending time with family and friends, picking up a hobby, or practising some self-care. This can reduce work-related stress and improve your overall work-life balance. Read our blog here for more information about why a healthy work-life balance is important.

Keep organised

Staying on top of your tasks and organising your work-life can help with feelings of stress. Start by taking some time at the beginning of each day or week to work out your priorities.

Writing to-do lists are a good way staying organised. You can allocate deadlines to these lists, colour code them by importance, and tick each task off as you go. Completing items on the list can also feel like a reward for your hard work, and highlight how much you’ve achieved.

Having a calendar is another organisational tool you can utilise, allowing you to plan out your day with ease as well as a useful visual aid for staying on track with your work.

If your workload is too heavy, try delegating some responsibilities to your colleagues. This can free up your time to focus on other work and means there is less chance you will miss deadlines.

Prioritise your wellbeing

Another way of relieving work-related stress is to prioritise for your wellbeing. For example, eating a well-balanced diet can support you in maintaining energy levels throughout the day, which includes foods like nuts & grains, pulses, and plenty of fruit & vegetables.

Exercising regularly is also beneficial for your well-being, helping to reducing feelings of anxiety and stress. [1] Ensuring you get enough sleep is also vital; it is recommended that adults have between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night. [2]

Try to incorporate self-care into your routine too, as this gives you a chance to relax and leaves you feeling rejuvenated.