• published on 4/28/2023
  • 4min

Why is Work-Life Balance Important?

Having a healthy work life balance can result in workers being happier and less stressed in the workplace, with burnout being a prevalent risk when they are overworked. Take a look at our blog to read about why work life balance is important for workers.

Why is work-life balance important?

Research carried out by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work in the EU found that over four in ten respondents had experienced more stress at work due to COVID-19, reiterating why finding a good work life balance is so important. [1]

Read below to find out more about why maintaining a healthy work life balance is essential for expats.

Increased workplace productivity 

If you’re finding it hard to be productive at work because your workload is too heavy, it is recommended you speak to a manager. They can help you solve the problem, providing you time to focus on essential tasks and not worry about completing things you don’t have time for.

Prioritising your wellbeing at work can increase your productivity and means you won’t miss important deadlines. You’re also more likely to head into the office with a positive mindset, which can help you achieve a solid amount of work.

Not only this, but a happy environment in the workplace is good for nurturing relationships with your colleagues. This results in further enjoyment on collaborative projects, with your joined creativity adding extra value.

Read our blog on expat burnout to learn more about how to deal with stress when you feel overwhelmed.

Time to focus on relationships

Working long hours can result in having less time with loved ones, which can make you feel sad and disappointed.

Sometimes it may feel like you have a never-ending list of tasks to be completed, and you’re keen to stay on top of your responsibilities. To avoid missing out on occasions with family and friends, prioritise urgent tasks during working hours, and learn when to switch off.

Maintaining your work life balance allows you to achieve your workplace goals while enjoying close relationships with those who matter the most. One way to ensure that work doesn’t encroach on your personal time is to not reply to work emails or calls outside of office hours.

Use your time off to keep in touch with friends back home and schedule in some fun activities with your new local connections. It offers you space to relax away from work and make the most of what the destination country has to offer.

If you have recently made the decision to move abroad, you might be wondering where to start when it comes to making new friends. Check out our blog for some tips on how to build a personal network when you’ve relocated overseas.

You’re more organised

Another reason to prioritise work life balance is because it improves your organisation. Essential tasks get done quickly and efficiently, and paperwork is less likely to go missing in the clutter on your desk.

Mess in your home and at work can cause you stress, making it harder to tackle jobs because you’re distracted by the mass of items around you. It also means you’re likely to waste time looking for missing documentation, potentially missing deadlines because you can’t find the relevant paperwork.

When you’re organised, you have extra time for hobbies outside work. You can achieve a lot in your time off when you have a good portion of things on your to-do list ticked off.

This better organisation enables you to also perform better in your role and greater opportunity to celebrate your successes. You can be fully focused on the task at hand during office hours, and then be able to relax in your downtime.

Higher energy levels

Feeling overwhelmed at work can leave you feeling fatigued and with not enough time for your favourite activities.

Working regular hours, taking breaks, and restricting access to anything work-related during your personal time are all things that can give you more energy when living abroad. It can also help with your sleep, meaning you’re fully present in the office and not left exhausted all day.

When you are well-rested, it can have a positive impact on those around you and create a lively atmosphere. This can increase your job satisfaction and overall happiness in your career, as you have taken the time to prioritise a healthy work life balance.