• published on 11/16/2023
  • 3min

Member stories: Leah, an American expat living in Berlin

Leah, a freelance fashion designer originally from the United States, moved from New Orleans to Berlin in October 2020.

Member stories: Leah, an American expat living in Berlin

“I had to find the right health insurance plan in the midst of the pandemic and I didn’t speak German.”

She relocated at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and APRIL International was recommended to her by a colleague. She opted for our Long-Term Germany International Health Insurance plan that is specially designed for freelancers and self-employed expats living in Germany.

A plan suitable for freelancers and the self-employed

Before moving to Berlin, Leah had always been satisfied with her health insurance in the United States, and wanted to find a similar level of coverage when she moved abroad: “my healthcare in the States was so good and until I was 26, I was under my mom’s health insurance.”

As a foreign national living and working in Germany, Leah needed a health insurance plan approved by the regulator, BaFin, when applying for a visa. Our international health insurance policy is certified by BaFin and accepted by the immigration authorities, meaning Leah was able to meet her visa requirements.

Wide coverage to give you peace of mind

It was also a priority for Leah to have comprehensive cover to safeguard her medical needs: “I’m a sickly person. I have a lot of underlying health conditions, so I needed something with more coverage.”

As part of our international health insurance plans, members have fast access to treatment such as cancer cover, maternity care, hospital treatment and specialist consultations. For Leah, it’s important that her healthcare needs are protected when she is in different countries: “it’s always a thing when you’re travelling to have that peace of mind that if something were to go wrong, you have that cover.”

Simple and straightforward communication

Leah explains that she selected an international health insurance plan at a stressful time in a new environment, “I had to find the right health insurance plan in the midst of the pandemic and I didn’t speak German.” She found it simple and straightforward to become a member of APRIL International: “it was very self-explanatory.”

Being able to communicate easily with her insurer in her native language is also essential for Leah: “I like that you guys are UK-based, so everything is in English. That was number 1 for me.”

To support our clients across the globe in challenging circumstances, we provide 24/7 multi-lingual assistance. This gives our members reassurance that their medical needs are protected in case something goes wrong.

Providing access to quality care

With our international medical insurance plans, members have access to leading medical facilities and high quality care around the world. Leah has found this to be beneficial, commenting, “I definitely have access to treatment that’s fast.” She continued: “every doctor I have, I love them.”

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