• published on 11/16/2022
  • 8min

What is a health insurance deductible and how does it work?

Our MyHEALTH plans offer a number of premium saving mechanisms which you can use to help reduce the overall premium of your international health insurance coverage, including what is known as a deductible.

What is a health insurance deductible and how does it work?

What is a deductible?

Put simply, a deductible is the amount of money that you have to pay on your own behalf before your plan will kick in and start to cover eligible medical costs.

The main benefit of a deductible is that you will save money on your premium. So the larger the deductible, the greater the discount on your premium. This is because you are assuming more of the risk of having to pay for medical treatment. Other ways to save on your premiums include co-insurance, which is another option available on our MyHEALTH plans in Asia.

How do deductibles work?

The easiest way to illustrate how deductibles work would be through some simple examples.

Example 1:

If person A has a deductible of $500 and required treatment equalling $4,000, then their insurance would cover $3,500 after person A met their deductible.

Example of a $500 deductible with a treatment costing $4,000

Additionally, further treatments during the policy would be covered in full by insurance as the deductible has already been met.

Example 2:

Person B has a deductible of $2,000 and requires treatment equalling $1,000. However, later that year they require another treatment costing $5,000. In this case, person B would cover the $,1000 for the first treatment and $1,000 of the second, while the insurance would cover $4,000 of the second claim.

Example of a $2,000 deductible with multiple treatments

MyHEALTH Hong Kong

MyHEALTH Singapore

MyHEALTH Thailand

MyHEALTH Vietnam

MyHEALTH Philippines

MyHEALTH Indonesia

Deductible Options:
USD 1,500
USD 3,000
USD 5,000
USD 10,000
Learn more

Deductible Options:
SGD 2,000
SGD 5,000
SGD 10,000
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Deductible Options:
THB 16,375
THB 32,750
THB 81,875
THB 163,750
THB 327,500
Learn more

Deductible Options:
USD 500
USD 1,000
USD 2,500
USD 5,000
USD 10,000
Learn more

Deductible Options:
USD 500
USD 1,000
USD 2,500
USD 5,000
USD 10,000
Learn more

Deductible Options:
USD 500
USD 1,000
USD 2,500
USD 5,000
USD 10,000
Learn more

Build your own health insurance plan with or without deductibles

Looking for comprehensive international health insurance coverage in Asia? APRIL International offers a range of plans that offer international coverage to people living in Asia, providing flexible coverage to expats and local nationals alike. Learn more about our available international health insurance plans for individuals and families or contact us today to learn more.

We also offer group health insurance plans for companies of every size, from SMEs to large multinationals.