• published on 5/2/2022
  • 4min

Working Holiday Programme (WHP) in Peru

2022 marks the opening of Working Holiday Visa applications for Peru. This Latin American country joins the list of destinations already open to the Working Holiday Programme (WHP). Machu Picchu is waiting for you! That is, if you meet the conditions for obtaining this visa. Find out below.

Working Holiday Programme (WHP) in Peru

How to obtain a Working Holiday Visa for Peru?

To obtain a Working Holiday Visa in Peru you must:

  • be between 18 and 30 years of age at the time of application for a WHV,

  • not be accompanied by dependent children,

  • hold a French passport valid for the duration of the stay,

  • be resident outside Peru at the time of application for the Working Holiday Visa,

  • not have been granted a Working Holiday Visa for Peru before,

  • have sufficient savings to support yourself (minimum 2500 €),

  • have a return ticket or sufficient funds to purchase one at the end of your stay,

  • have a clean criminal record and a medical certificate attesting to your good health,

  • and take out health and repatriation insurance valid for the entire duration of your stay (wait until your application has been accepted before taking out your insurance policy).

The Working Holiday Visa for Peru is valid for a maximum of 12 months and is not renewable.

Apply for a Working Holiday Visa for Peru

Access to the Working Holiday Programme for Peru is by quota. The Peruvian government has set a limit of 300 people per year.

The application for a Working Holiday Visa for Peru is free. For the time being, the Peruvian government has not yet communicated the steps to follow to apply for a Working Holiday Visa.

For the time being, it may be necessary to go directly to the consulate. It is therefore advisable to contact these authorities in advance or to keep an eye on the website of the Consulate General of Peru in Paris.

Would you like to try in a neighbouring country? It is also possible to do a WHP in Chile or Brazil.

What you can do with a Working Holiday Visa in Peru

The Working Holiday Visa for Peru is a unique opportunity to discover a culture that is thousands of years old.

Thanks to the Peru WHP, you will be able to move around the country, whether it is for travel, between a visit of Machu Picchu and surfing on the Pacific coast, or for work.

There are many professional opportunities, especially in the fields of tourism and restaurants. It is also possible to give private language lessons in the major cities.

If your resources are sufficient, it is not necessary to work. Indeed, life in Peru is cheap. However, it would be a shame not to take advantage of professional opportunities that arise and, at the same time, improve your Spanish during your stay.

Beware, however, that while the cost of living is low in Peru, the cost of healthcare is not! In the private health system, which it is recommended to use, the rates are almost identical to those in France (from 20 to 30 € for a GP consultation, and from 40 to 80 € for a specialist consultation).