• published on 11/10/2022
  • 3min

Working Holiday Programme (WHP) in Argentina

Explore Buenos Aires, learn tango, go WWOOFing in Tierra del Fuego… These are just a few things you can do when travelling to Argentina under the Working Holiday Programme (WHP). Several countries have signed bilateral reciprocal agreements with Argentina allowing young people to live and find short-term jobs there. Get your Working Holiday Visa (WHV) and live your Argentinean year!

Working Holiday Programme (WHP) in Argentina

How to obtain a Working Holiday Visa for Argentina

To get a Working Holiday Visa for Argentina, you must:

  • be aged between 18 and 30 (35 if you are from New Zealand) on the day you apply to join the WHP,

  • be a citizen of Australia, Denmark, France, Ireland or New Zealand,

  • hold a valid passport,

  • not have already taken part in the WHP in Argentina,

  • have sufficient funds to cover expenses at the beginning of the stay,

  • not be coming with dependants,

  • have a clean police record,

  • be in good health,

  • have WHV insurance for the duration of the stay.

The Working Holiday Visa for Argentina is valid for a maximum of 12 months and is not renewable. However, depending on which country you are from, you may not be allowed to work for the same employer for over 6 months.

Applying for a Working Holiday Visa for Argentina

Argentina sets up annual quotas for each country participating in the Working Holiday Programme. Please note very few WHVs are currently delivered each year to Irish citizens. First come first served!

What are the application steps?

  1. Gather all requested documents: passport, ID photo, completed application form, cover letter, proof of sufficient funds, return ticket or proof it has been purchased, insurance certificate, medical certificate (in some cases), criminal record.

  2. Depending on the country you are from: have some of the documents translated into Spanish, have the application form signed before the Argentinean Consul, a Notary Public or a Justice of Peace.

  3. Submit your application to the Argentinean Consulate or Embassy.

  4. Go to the appointment/interview at the Argentinean Consulate.

  5. If requested, pay the visa application fee.