• published on 1/5/2022
  • 4min

Working Holiday Programme (WHP) in Brazil

Travelling to Brazil under the Working Holiday Programme (WHP) is possible for young citizens of two different countries: New Zealand and France. If you are under thirty years old, you may live in Brazil for up to a year and land a job to fund your stay. Get a Working Holiday Visa (WHV) for Brazil and appreciate sunbathing on Rio de Janeiro beaches or organize a road trip through the Amazon rainforest.

Working Holiday Programme (WHP) in Brazil

Brazil Working Holiday Visa requirements

To get a Working Holiday Visa for Brazil you must:

  • intend to stay in Brazil mainly for tourism purposes,

  • be aged between 18 and 30 on the day you apply to join the WHP,

  • be a citizen of New Zealand or France,

  • hold a valid New Zealand or French passport,

  • not be travelling with any dependents,

  • hold a return ticket or sufficient funds to purchase one,

  • have sufficient funds to cover expenses at the beginning of your stay in Brazil,

  • have a clean police record,

  • have a medical certificate proving you are in good health,

  • have medical insurance for the duration of the stay.

The WHV for Brazil is valid for one year and is not renewable.

Applying for a Working Holiday Visa for Brazil

Every year, Brazil sets annual quotas for both countries taking part in the Working Holiday Programme. In 2013, 300 visas were available for citizens of New Zealand. As the reciprocal agreement between France and Brazil was signed in December 2013, quotas and exact visa application procedures are not yet known.

What are the WHV application steps for New Zealanders?

  1. Complete and submit the online visa application form at https://ec-paris.itamaraty.gov.br/. You will receive an application number and receipt.

  2. Gather the requested documents: passport, ID photo, copy of your birth certificate, proof of sufficient funds, police certificate, completed and signed application form, round-trip ticket (or proof of sufficient funds to purchase one), medical insurance certificate, pre-paid self-addressed envelope.

  3. Send your application package to the embassy of Brazil.

Visa applications will be processed within 10 to 15 days.

Within 30 days upon arrival in Brazil, you must:

  • register with the nearest Federal Police Department,

  • apply for a Labour and Social Security booklet (Carteira de Trabalho e Previdência Social or CTPS) with the Ministry of Labour and Employment if you wish to work during your WHP in Brazil.

Brazil WHP restrictions

Before you leave, there are some rules you must be aware of. Working Holiday Visa holders from New Zealand cannot :

  • take up permanent employment,

  • study for more than three months,

  • work for the same employer for over three months.
    To find out more about the WHP in Brazil:

Apply for a WHV on the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations website.