Health insurance in Denmark

Health insurance in Denmark

  • 100% online application

  • Access to leading medical facilities

  • 24/7 remote GP consultations

Long-term (12+ months) Short-term (1-12 months)

Denmark has a highly developed healthcare system that is recognised worldwide for its quality and accessibility.

The country offers universal health cover and guarantees high-quality care for its population. The Danish healthcare system is based on the principles of equality, prevention and patient-centred care.

Health insurance for expatriates in Denmark

How does the Danish healthcare system work?

All legal residents of Denmark benefit from universal health coverage, known as "Sygesikring". This is financed by taxes and health insurance contributions. It allows access to basic healthcare, including medical consultations, hospital treatment, essential medicines and preventative care.

Residents of Denmark also receive a personal health insurance card, known as a "sygesikringsbevis". This card is used to access health services and must be presented when visiting doctors and hospitals.

Primary care

General practitioners play a central role in this healthcare system. Residents have the option of choosing a GP as their first point of contact for health problems. GPs primary care, carry out routine medical examinations, prescribe medication and refer patients to specialists if necessary.

Specialist care

If a patient needs specialist care, a GP can refer them to a specialist or hospital. Denmark has regional and university hospitals where patients can receive this care.

There are also specialist clinics in areas such as dermatology, ophthalmology, gynaecology, dentistry and other medical specialities. These clinics can be consulted directly without prior referral from a GP.

Dental and optical care

Dental and optical care are not fully covered by universal health coverage in Denmark. However, children and young people are covered free of charge for dental care, and certain categories of patients may be eligible for partial reimbursement for optical care.

How to choose health insurance in Denmark: local or international?

When it comes to choosing health insurance in Denmark, you can choose between local and international health insurance.

However, if you are an expatriate or plan to stay in Denmark temporarily, you may wish to consider international health insurance, as this can provide you with access to leading medical facilities, and the choice of where you're treated within your area of cover.

How much does healthcare cost?

Denmark has a health system financed by taxes and health insurance contributions. Most medical care is free for residents covered by the "Sygesikring". However, there may be charges for certain consultations, medicines or specific treatments.

For example, a consultation with a general practitioner may cost between DKK 100 and DKK 200, while a consultation with a specialist may cost between DKK 200 and DKK 400. Hospital fees may also apply.

Care in Denmark

Choosing hospitals in Denmark

Denmark has a network of regional and university hospitals throughout the country.

These hospitals offer a full range of specialist care, including surgery, cardiology, oncology, paediatrics, etc. Danish hospitals are equipped with advanced medical technology and are renowned for the quality of their care.

Healthcare facilities


Herlev Hospital

+45 38 68 38 68

Local call rates may apply


Aalborg Universitetshospital

+45 97 66 00 00

Local call rates may apply


Odense Universitetshospital

+45 66 11 33 33

Local call rates may apply

Emergency Numbers in Denmark

  • 112
    Medical emergencies, police, fire department

For more information

Denmark's official health portal is the official health portal for Denmark. The site provides comprehensive information on health establishments, doctors, dentists and pharmacies throughout the country..

Database of doctors

Denmark's database of doctors in different regions and is known as the Regional Medical Database. It lists general practitioners and specialists working in Denmark.

Regional services

Danske Regioner's website - the organisation representing Denmark's five regions - provides information on regional hospitals and health services.

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