• published on 3/10/2023
  • 3min

Tips for Travelling by Rail in Europe

Many people choose to travel by train across Europe because it’s easy, comfortable and, in many cases, saves on the extra charges for luggage. Over 600,000 people choose to use one such service, InterRail, each year alone.[1]

Tips for Travelling by Rail in Europe

The ease with which travellers can use trains adds to their appeal. They can be a great way to make friends when you share accommodation, or a savvy way to save money when you select to sleep on an overnight train.

Read on to learn some useful some tips using rail travel in Europe.

Put your safety first       

Most importantly, you should prioritise your safety. If you’re travelling on your own and are worried about sharing your space with strangers, it might be worth paying a little extra and having an individual room on an overnight train, so you feel more comfortable.

When you travel with friends, you can look out for each other to protect your wellbeing. Always be alert of your surroundings and take all precautions necessary during the journey.

It’s also essential to protect your belongings. You could purchase an anti-theft lock for your luggage to deter criminals. Any important items should be kept on your person in an accessible bag, such as your passport and credit cards.

It can spoil your trip if theft takes place. Being vigilant with your belongings and your environment can help ensure your safety. Then you can focus on enjoying your travels.

Consider an overnight train

Travelling overnight on a train can save you the cost of a night in a hotel. There are many different options available for rail travel, depending on your preferences. You could opt for a shared carriage, which is cheaper, or select an individual room at a higher cost.

It is a good opportunity to catch up on any missed sleep between destinations and to refresh your mind. If you’re sharing a room with others, you might also make some new friends while travelling .

You could even end up making plans in the next city you visit. This is a great way to experience a new city and try some local restaurants and activities.

Pack the necessities

Before you embark on train travel abroad, make a list of important items to take with you. For example, packing snacks for the journey is often recommended, as not all train providers will offer food services.

Something you might not have thought of but can come in handy is towels. These will come in good use for freshening yourself up during the journey.

Other items that could increase your comfort include ear plugs and travel pillows. This will allow for a decent night sleep without having to worry about surrounding noise, and you’re less likely to suffer from aches if you have a good quality pillow.

Train journeys can sometimes be long, so taking activities such as games with you can provide a welcome distraction. It is a way to engage with your friends and give yourself time away from technology.

Be prepared for the train station

It is easy to get lost in a train station environment, especially larger international terminals. Prior to your journey, make sure you research the station so you know you’re way around and can identify important areas such as shops and toilet facilities.

Have your ticket prepared either by printing it out or showing it on your mobile device. The last thing you want to encounter is not having access to your ticket when you need it.

Keep an eye on the times of your train and monitor for any delays. On the day, you should be able to find out the train platform. Get there in plenty of time so you can find your way to your specified train.

Additionally, the next destination for the train is not always declared. It is best to check this for yourself so that you don’t miss your stop.