• published on 9/20/2022
  • 5min

Your health insurance abroad

When you go abroad, you lose your right to health insurance benefits in your home country. We would recommend you check before you leave and find the right international health insurance for your needs.

Your health insurance abroad

Why take out health insurance?

1. You will no longer be covered by your home country's health insurance

As soon as you leave the territory of your country of origin and settle abroad, you generally lose your rights to your health insurance system. Most national health insurance systems will not cover the reimbursement of health costs incurred in another country (with rare exceptions).

2. Credit card insurance is inadequate

Your credit card may provide insurance for your stay, but the cover on offer is likely limited. You will only get a cash advance if you have an unexpected need for treatment, and if you have first made a call to the contact centre which manages your credit card insurance to get their agreement. 

In short, this is a complicated process that could be avoided by opting for proper international health insurance.

3. Healthcare systems abroad differ a lot from country to country

Did you know:

  • hospitalisation in the United States can cost tens of thousands of dollars?

  • depending on the country, access to public sector care can take several weeks?

  • some hospitals will ask for a credit card before starting your treatment?

  • the local health infrastructure in some countries often makes expatriates turn to very expensive private clinics?

And you may find it difficult to get insurance if you are ill.

What does international health insurance cover?

You can choose between several levels of cover tailored to your needs and your budget.

You can opt for hospitalisation only, or more comprehensive cover including all of the following:

  • hospitalisation in the event of accident, illness, or childbirth,

  • consultations with GPs and specialists,

  • pharmacy items,

  • medical examinations (x-rays, tests),

  • medical auxiliaries (physiotherapists),

  • prevention (vaccines, screening),

  • dental treatment, dentures, and implants,

  • optical care.