• published on 1/16/2020
  • 5min

Air pollution in Bangkok: how can I protect my health?

Air quality is unfortunately a major concern in Bangkok and high levels of pollution affect everyone in the city. So how can you protect your health and avoid long-term effects?

Air pollution in Bangkok: how can I protect my health?

Check the pollution levels

To begin with, regularly check the pollution indices. There are several Air Quality Index (AQI) apps that you can download on your smartphone to follow the evolution of the air quality. You can also easily check your area’s air quality indices in real time from your computer.

When pollution levels are particularly high, avoid any outdoor activity or physical exercise such as running. During these periods of time, endurance sports are unfortunately not good for your health because of the high particle load you inhale during long exercises. Instead, prefer outdoor activities and exercise outside when pollution levels are low or moderate.

Improve air quality in your home

In addition, you also need to protect your health when you are at home with your family. As the outside air is polluted, the same applies for your indoor air. First of all, make sure that you maintain good air ventilation by opening windows regularly.

Then, it is strongly advised to purchase an air purifier to clean the air inside your house. The most important area where the air should be cleaned is your bedroom, as it is the place where you spend most of your time. There are many brands with various prices and different levels of performance, but even the most affordable ones will considerably improve the quality of the air inside your home.

Last but not least, one eco-friendly solution is simply to use plants to purify your indoor air. As they won’t be able to clean the air completely, plants will contribute to remove chemical toxins, reduce CO2 levels and enrich the air with more oxygen.

Eat healthier

Because you are regularly exposed to high levels of pollutants, it is essential to prepare your body to react against it. Eating healthy food will help you boost your immune system and be prepared against external pollutants.

Studies have shown that the vitamin C and E contained in certain foods can contribute to clean your system, while antioxidants happen to have amazing anti-inflammatory qualities.

Consider wearing an anti-pollution mask

If you are very sensitive to air pollution, you also have the possibility wear an anti-pollution mask when indices are too high. Make sure you choose an efficient mask with a proper filter technology (classic cotton masks won’t offer any protection against pollution) and that it fits your face properly, otherwise it will lose its efficiency.

Although it is not the most convenient solution, it can make a real difference for people suffering from respiratory condition such as asthma. And once again, if you practice a regular outdoor activity, it can help you reduce the high particle load you inhale while exercising.

Help the city be healthier for everyone

Finally, in addition to our advice to protect your health, you can also bring your own contribution to make the city less polluted.

First of all, always favor public transports over private ones. In Bangkok, we have the privilege to be surrounded by a well-established public transportation network, so always think twice before taking a car or a motorbike. As a bonus, you will also be able to avoid Bangkok's rush hours traffic!

Then, an easy way to minimize your carbon footprint is to reduce your energy consumption at home. Always switch off your domestic appliances when they are not in use. For instance, don’t leave your air conditioner turned on all day if you are away from home. Did you know that leaving your aircon running for one hour with no one in the room is equivalent to leaving the light on for four days? Also, when you purchase new appliances, always check the energy label and chose the most energy efficient ones.

As all of this might be small scale solutions, be sure that every single measure will contribute to boost environmental protection!

Don’t forget to get your health checked

Because health risks are generally higher in polluted areas, don’t forget to get your health checked regularly. To cover your healthcare costs in Bangkok and abroad, make sure that you have the right health insurance. Discover MyHEALTH, a package providing you with comprehensive and fully flexible health insurance cover, or simply contact one of our advisers to learn more about your insurance options.