Health Insurance in Bulgaria

Health Insurance in Bulgaria

  • 100% online application

  • Access to leading medical facilities

  • 24/7 remote GP consultations

Long-term (12+ months) Short-term (1-12 months)

The Bulgarian healthcare system is based on a compulsory health insurance model, which provides basic cover for all Bulgarian residents, including expats. The system is managed by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), which is responsible for collecting contributions and managing funds.

Health insurance for expats in Bulgaria

How does the Bulgarian healthcare system work?

Contributions to health insurance are deducted from employees' income, while self-employed workers pay contributions based on their declared income. Children, the unemployed and dependants are also covered by the system.

Basic benefits: The Bulgarian healthcare system's basic benefits cover a wide range of medical care, including medical consultations, essential medicines, hospital care, diagnostic services, rehabilitation and preventive care. However, it is important to note that coverage may vary depending on the resources available and the capacity of health establishments.

Healthcare network: Bulgaria has a network of healthcare facilities including public and private hospitals, clinics, medical centres and doctors' surgeries. Larger areas generally offer a greater variety of medical services and specialities.

Access to healthcare: Bulgarian residents can access healthcare by presenting their compulsory health insurance card. However, it is important to note that waiting times may vary depending on demand and the availability of medical resources.

Doctors' surgeries: Bulgarian residents and expats can consult doctors in their private practices. There are general practitioners as well as specialists in various fields of medicine. Consultations in doctors' surgeries can be useful for common health problems and medical advice.

Specialist clinics: There are many specialist clinics in Bulgaria, which focus on specific areas such as fertility, dentistry, ophthalmology and so on.

> Please note: the above information is based on the general operation of the Bulgarian healthcare system, but there may be variations and additional specifics depending on the individual situation and the regulations in force.

How to choose health insurance in Bulgaria: local or international?

When choosing health insurance in Bulgaria, expats have two options: local health insurance or international health insurance. Local insurance companies often offer plans specifically tailored to the needs of Bulgarian residents, which can be advantageous in relation to costs and local coverage.

On the other hand, international insurance is another option for expats, and can offer you access to high quality medical care and the freedom to choose where you're treated within your area of cover. It's important to research the different options available and choose the one that best suits your specific needs.

How much does healthcare cost in Bulgaria?

In Bulgaria, the cost of healthcare can vary depending on several factors, such as the nature of the care, the geographical location and the type of medical establishment. For example, the average cost of a basic medical consultation is around €30 to €50, while hospitalisation can cost between €50 and €100 per day. These figures may vary according to individual circumstances and specific medical needs.

Care in Bulgaria

Choosing hospitals in Bulgaria

Public hospitals

The Bulgarian healthcare system includes public hospitals throughout the country. These establishments offer medical services in a variety of specialities and treat a range of medical conditions.

Private hospitals

There are also many private hospitals in Bulgaria, particularly in the larger cities such as Sofia, Varna and Plovdiv. Private hospitals often offer high-quality services and a wider range of medical specialities. They may also offer additional comfort options. However, treatment in private hospitals can be more expensive than in public facilities.

Healthcare facilities


Pirogov Hospital

+359 2915 4411

Local rates may apply


St. Marina's Hospital

+359 5230 2851

Local rates may apply


Acıbadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital

+359 2403 4000

Local rates may apply

Emergency numbers in Bulgaria

  • 112
  • 166
  • 160
  • 150