• published on 7/12/2022
  • 4min

When Should You Get Travel Insurance?

Taking out travel insurance while booking your trip: a good or a bad idea? At the moment of booking your trip, most travel and airline companies offer you trip cancellation insurance. In theory, signing up for this may be a good idea. In fact, travel insurance means you could get compensation in case of flight cancellation, repatriation, or even stolen or lost luggage. But in reality, the insurance offered by tour operators is not always sufficient, nor necessarily competitive...

When Should You Get Travel Insurance?

Taking out travel insurance while booking your trip: a good or a bad idea?

First of all, be sure to check the conditions for reimbursement. You should also look at the amount of deductibles applied, as well as the compensation limits.

Often, for the sake of simplicity, travel insurance offered by tour operators seems to be the most convenient solution. In reality, however, this insurance is frequently limited in terms of cover. What if you could be 100% covered for the same price?

Can I take out travel insurance at the last minute?

Of course! You can pick your travel insurance option at any time, even after you have booked your trip, or even on the day before your departure. Be aware, however, that an insurance plan cannot be retroactive. Once taken out, it will not cover any previous claims.

Also, remember to take into account the waiting period that applies to some policies, especially for healthcare expenses abroad.

In any case, choose an insurance policy that can be taken out immediately. For latecomers, this option allows you to get your insurance certificate right away, which is sometimes essential for obtaining a visa (Cuba, China, etc.).

The best time to apply: as soon as your trip is confirmed

With your tickets in hand and your holiday on the horizon, all that's left is to take out your travel insurance. In order to make the most of your benefits, particularly trip cancellation insurance, it is important to take out your policy early enough.

Imagine: You're ready to leave, but just days away from flying to your dream destination, you break your arm and need surgery. Thanks to trip cancellation insurance, upon presenting a medical certificate, your trip can be partially or totally refunded. Depending on your policy plan, some companies even cover the price of a new ticket as soon as you recover!

In order to make the right choice, find out about the different benefits offered. A multi-risk insurance policy allows you to be covered against all eventualities:

  • Flight cancellation

  • Loss or theft of luggage

  • Healthcare expenses abroad

  • Repatriation

  • Early return

  • Loss of documents

  • Assistance in case of disputes

  • Civil liability, and more

Assurever for your travels: the travel insurance that comes at the right time!

Last-minute unforeseen events, skiing accidents, emergency repatriation... There are 1001 reasons to take out travel insurance. What if you put it all together in one package? Take advantage of the ideal insurance to cover all eventualities with Vacation Insurance. No more unpleasant surprises: leave with peace of mind, whatever your destination.

Have a question, need a quote? Get your quote online now!