• published on 7/5/2022
  • 2min

Fulbright scholarships to study in the USA

Wondering how to study in the United States without breaking the bank? The Fulbright Foreign Student Programme awards about 8,000 scholarships annually and exists in more than 160 countries. Eligibility criteria, application procedures and grant amounts vary from one country to another. The prestigious Fulbright scholarships are awarded by binational Fulbright commissions or US embassies. The programme often covers most of participants’ study costs but is extremely competitive.

Fulbright scholarships to study in the USA

What kind of Fulbright scholarships are available for foreign students?

Countries do not always offer the same Fulbright grant opportunities. Nevertheless, there usually are 3 main types of Fulbright scholarships:

  • the Fulbright Post Graduate Scholarship, which allows foreign graduate students to study or conduct research in a US university or think tank,

  • the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Grant, for foreign scholars aiming to conduct post-doctoral research in a US institution,

  • the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) scholarship, which is designed for young teachers of English as a foreign language wishing to teach their native language in the USA. This scholarship is not available everywhere.

Scholarships generally are awarded either for 6 months or one academic year. Fulbright grants may cover all or part of the following costs: round trip tickets, food and accommodation, tuition fees, health insurance, visa fees…

Who can apply for a Fulbright scholarship?

To be able to apply for a Fulbright scholarship, the programme must operate in your home country. Each country has specific requirements: visit fulbrightonline.org to learn about the procedures in your country. In all cases, Fulbright applicants are expected to:

  • meet the citizenship requirements,

  • hold at least a degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree,

  • have an excellent academic background,

  • have a well-defined project and personal leadership ability.

To find out more about the Fulbright scholarships :

Visit the Fulbright programme section on the US Department of State website.