• published on 9/9/2023
  • 1min

Information for our policyholders affected by the earthquake in Morocco on 9th September 2023

We send our thoughts to everyone going through this difficult time. Our dedicated teams are here to offer our members support and assistance they need. Please reach out to us using the details below.

To read this information in French, click here.

For France policyholders

Find your personalised emergency numbers reachable 24/7
  • In your Easy Claim app

  • On your digitised insurance card in your Wallet

If you do not have access to Easy Claim or your contract, these other numbers are available to you:
  • If you need emergency medical assistance or repatriation, call +33 (0) 1 41 61 23 25

  • If you need hospital treatment, call +33 (0) 1 73 02 93 99

  • If you would like to speak with a psychologist, call  +33 (0) 1 41 61 23 25

  • If you wish to be assisted in your procedures, we invite you to contact our teams in Paris by email or telephone at: info.expat@april-international.com / +33 (0) 1 73 02 93 93

  • If you need to talk to a doctor, go to your Easy Claim app and send your teleconsultation request from the "teleconsultation" section.

In hospitals, remember to use your digital insurance card. It allows you to benefit from third-party payment, without advance money in most healthcare networks in Morocco. This card can be deposited in your Apple Cards app, Google Pay or another Wallet type app. It is otherwise available on your Easy Claim application.

For UK policyholders

Our teams are by your side to support you, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Here is a reminder of our 24/7 emergency numbers:

  • If you need hospital cover or emergency medical assistance, call  +44 (0) 1243 621130

  • If you need to talk to a doctor, please submit a request here and a doctor will call you back within 3 hours. 

  • If you require further assistance, please contact our team in London by phone +44 (0)20 3418 0470, or email info@april-international.co.uk