FAQ: Direct billing and Care network

FAQ: Direct billing and Care network

Table of contents

  1. How do I find an Aetna member doctor or hospital in the United States?

  2. How do I receive the third-party payment card for the USA?

  3. I have not received my direct billing card for the u.s. what do I need to do?

1. How do I find a doctor or hospital in the United States?

If you benefit from the third-party payment service in the United States, you can avoid the upfront fee by visiting AETNA and Caremark member doctors and hospitals through our partner Global Excel.

Visit the Global Excel website to find the partner healthcare professional closest to you:

  • Click on “Find a Participating Medical Provider” and then on “Find a provider”.

  • You will be redirected to the Aetna website, where you can do your search.

  • A new page will then open and you’ll be able to select the type of doctor you are looking for in the “Search for” section, and indicate the city in which you wish to consult a doctor.

  • A window will pop up; click on “Search without choosing a plan”. You can select any option, as you’ll be able to consult all the healthcare professionals in the network.

  • You’ll see a list of healthcare professionals matching selected criteria.
    Then, present your third-party payment card to the practitioner to avoid having to pay upfront.

Note for APRIL ASIA members: Outpatient direct billing is not available in the U.S. Some hospitals may accept Letters of Guarantee for inpatient treatment. In case of planned hospitalisation or treatment, you must send us a pre-authorisation request via your Easy Claim or complete an Advance Request Form and send it to provider.asia@april.com. Members who opted for our Worldwide area of cover will be eligible for coverage within our network of partner hospitals:

  • Go to omhc.com/April

  • Select “Find a Participating Medical Provider”.

  • Enter your home location (zip, city, county, or state) and click "Search".

  • Select “Passport to Healthcare Primary PPO Network”.

  • Select “Hospitals & Facilities”, then “Hospitals”.

  • The list of participating hospitals will be displayed.

2. How do I receive the direct billing card for the U.S.?

Within a month of your policy taking effect, you will receive an email from our partner, Global Excel, with a link to download your card.

Note for APRIL ASIA members: Not applicable.

3. I have not received my direct billing card for the U.S. what do I need to do?

Get in touch with our partner Global Excel at +1 866 299 2900.

Note for APRIL ASIA members: Not applicable.