FAQ: Contact APRIL International

FAQ: Contact APRIL International

Table of contents

  1. How do I contact APRIL International?

  2. How do I contact Emergency Assistance in Asia?

1. How do I contact APRIL International?

We are at your disposal via:

  • This contact form

  • Chat (bottom right of the screen)

  • Facebook Messenger

  • WhatsApp

  • Telephone

You can also find all your useful contacts on the Easy Claim app and in your Customer Area.

2. How do I contact Emergency Assistance in Asia or in the UK?

  • You are a policyholder of APRIL ASIA.

If you need to be hospitalised urgently, please contact our 24/7 assistance platform for immediate help. Whenever possible, please state your policy number and member number, which can be found on your member card or eCard. You can also provide your member card to the hospital who will arrange to call us. Once we have obtained sufficient information about your condition and treatment, we will issue a guarantee of payment to the establishment.

If you are not in any capacity to call us before your hospitalisation, please make sure that you contact us within the 24 hours following your admission to hospital or as soon as reasonably possible.

For all APRIL Asia policyholders: (+66) 2022 9190

For Indonesia policyholders only: (+62) 21 2927 9660

  • You are a policyholder of APRIL International UK.

In case of a medical emergency, please contact our 24/7 multi-lingual assistance team on +44 (0) 1243 621130.